
Hiya, we're moving.

Hello, if you're looking for modern support articles, documentation, or product update information, you can find them at  If you're looking for service status updates, you can find them at       Old posts will remain here for the foreseeable future, but should not be used to find current platform updates or statuses.

We’re still here!

 Well guys, haven’t updated this page in about a year. I just wanted to let you know, we’re still hammering away at stuff on our end. Find our more updated stuff here

v2021.6 Features and changes to existing items (inside of the Dave Bot Services, D.B.S)

 v2021.6 (Dave Bot Colorado River) includes the following feature(s) and changes to the existing service: (1) Automatic Vis Activation with !db vis activate (2) !db vis_id is disabled as vis activation is now sent via the bot to the database (NOSQL based) (3) Music is almost working, it will be in by 2021.7, more backend stuff is added in relation with our move from variables storing your music info and validation id, to a cloud service that we connect to (the NOSQL database on mongoDB) (4) *1 Build date fixed (5) *2 Logging removed (6) All commands except listed above (that were specified as disabled) have been enabled, this includes secret commands, !db about, and others. (7) Pushed back EOS date from Jan 1st 2022 to an undetermined date.   (8) Added error messages to the music system when incorrect.  *1 As of 2021.5.1/2 the build date was incorrectly assigned. *2 Logging removed to the extent that the bot still collects guild info and ID(s) to make sure VIS functi...

v2021.5 Early Update Notes (planed) & Codename Obsidian Discord bot shutdown notice

 v2021.5 Of Dave (bot) Includes the following features and bug fixes -CDN update, this will invalidate all previous builds and prevent old/leaked Dave (bot) builds from running correctly. -Bot token Refresh, prevent old/leaked builds from running an unauthorized network/take-over of our service. -Invalidating old logging systems, and putting a new logging system in. -Fixing Ban Error Embed from showing debug info in the bottom header. Codename Obsidian Bot Shutdown Notice Effective 4/25/21 The Codename Obsidian Discord Bot will: 1. Disable all commands  2. All files and servers that remained online are shut down 3. Invites are locked on all fronts 4. We no longer provide support and ongoing updates for this service 5. Development is moved elsewhere and all project files are archived. Effective Now The Codename Obsidian Discord Bot will: 1. Not allow inviting to new servers 2. Not allow non moderation commands to be run 3. Codename Obsidian Discord Bot only operates for about 3...

Game Delays

 We currently don't know the extent of the issue, we will update this blog post at a later date. James  Attack Of The Shadow Knight: developer. Obsidian Online has been delayed thought, and dave bot is not back yet, we hope to offer dave bot as a service again soon! TTYL! TL;DL We are moving slowly and guess what, its not fun for us.

Website systems are still down.

 Well crap, seems our systems are still down!

Issues with our site

 Our .com site is experiencing issues, we will update you when we know more about the issue facing us. SRC 15 (Perms missing for edits)